Saturday, October 10, 2015

My Top 5 of 1987

There's so...much... variety in 1987.  Argh!  It's hard to decide.  So, we'll start with the #1 song of the year:  Bangles. Walk Like An Egyptian.

Next up is Los Lobos La Bamba.  Who can stop themselves from at least trying to singing along with this?

Billy Idol's Mony Mony was the designated "slam dance" song back in the day. You know, where people slam into each other and it usually lasted about 5 seconds before the music was stopped and we were all called to repentance.

Just for goofs I've included Wang Chung's Everybody Have Fun Tonight.  Whatever happened to these guys? Wait, I'm writing a blog, maybe I should tell you? Nah, it's not that type of blog.  So, just sit back and have fun (or should I say sit back and "Wang Chung"?).

We'll end with U2's With Or Without You which may be my favorite U2 hit.

Honorable Mention:
Tiffany.  I Think We're Alone Now.

U2.  I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For.  Great song!  Close to making it in the top 5.
Michael Jackson.  Bad.  Another MJ song listed for a lead in to another Weird Al song: Fat.  Which would make my top 5 music videos of all time.  So, I'm including the video below instead of the link. It's even funnier after watching Bad first.  Yo ding dong man, ding dong ding dong yo.

Bon Jovi.  Wanted Dead Or Alive.  Bon Jovi's dream of being a cowboy song.

Georgia Satellites.  Keep Your Hands To Yourself.  Cheeky Southern Rock fun.

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